Mustard is so good. But mustard stains? Not good!
Mustard is so good. But mustard stains? Not good!
Is the top of your dresser strewn with accessories like earrings, bracelets, sunglasses and so on? Are you…
Well, I’m furious with Mr. Clean.
A funny thing happens when a group of commerce writers and editors get together: When one of us has a problem, all…
Thank you for your continued support of The Inventory. Buy this horny incense holder and you will be so cool.
Lingerie is a bit polarizing. Some people love it (guilty as charged!), some people find it oppressive…
In her roundup of gender-neutral sex toys, our very own Style Girlfriend asked, “Psst, Dame crew, if you’re reading…
Most people are storing their bras all wrong! Bras should not be folded, which is frustrating because honestly, they…
The Arc showed up at precisely the moment I needed her.
The are as many options for condom dishes as there are positions in the Kama Sutra.
Welcome back to What’s In Your Cart, where we ask noteworthy creators, athletes, and celebrities about their…
Sex is many things but one very specific thing that sex is, is messy. And I say great, go on, get out there, get it…
It should go without saying — but is well worth saying anyway! — that the choice of lube is an entirely personal…
Welcome to SELF KERR, a new column in which noted Fixer of Problems, Jolie Kerr, will help you with your most vexing…
It’s the end of January, which means two things: Many of you are about to break your Dry January fast and also, oh…
The other day a friend texted to gossip (priorities) and to ask a cleaning question:
The beginning of the year is a time when many people take stock of their closets and try to lend a bit of order to…
A friend recently modeled for me a glorious vintage full-length patchwork coat she had just gotten. She was thrilled…
Bookshelves do way more than just house books — they’re also a focal point, from a design perspective — in many of…
One of the best things about this job is how you’re constantly delighting me with the questions you ask! To wit:…