My husband and I just returned from an amazing 16 day Mediterranean highlights trip of a lifetime … but now I have…
My husband and I just returned from an amazing 16 day Mediterranean highlights trip of a lifetime … but now I have…
It is good to work out! It is also gross. The gym, or the yoga studio, or that weird basement where you go to ride…
Ask a Clean Person and Style Girlfriend are teaming up to bring you the latest on what to wear for spring and…
I’m one of those weird people (full stop) who loves polishing silver. I dunno! To me, it’s just a very easy and…
This week’s Squalor is inspired by this reader letter:
Perhaps you, a camping enthusiast, can relate to this scenario: You’ve returned to civilization, toted all your…
There’s a tricky thing about packing cleaning products for camping: You need the stuff! Like, you still gotta wash a…
Cleaning a watch band is a 5-minute proposition, tops. But before you can clean your watch band there is a critical…
I recently had to replace my phone case, which was lost by someone who was not me. Not my phone, mind you, just the…
A fact of my very clean life that often surprises people is that I’m not a germaphobe. I just don’t get super…
HELLO SUMMER!!! I hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend filled with fun in the sun … mostly because if…
They say that summer doesn’t start until late June, but we — you and I and all other right-thinking people — know…
I am very vain about my feet. There, I said it. (Foot fetishists love me, and now I’ve also said that!) But my feet,…
I’m sorry to say that the time has come for us to talk about your disgusting feet. Your smelly, cracked, fungus-y…
There’s a running joke among my friends about “those fancy sandals you always wear” the “you” being me and the…
Today is a glorious day, my friends: It’s been so long since I’ve had cause to use the term “foot water” but today,…
This week’s Ask a Clean Person/Style Girlfriend crossover event was all about colorful sneakers—which ones to buy,…
Spring is springing and sporting a new pair of colorful sneakers is a fun way to transition from winter boots to…
Wedding season approaches! For a lot of people, late spring and summer means a lot of traveling for weddings — and…
Wedding season approaches, and many of you will be packing, and donning, and soiling suits and tuxes. While most…