There Is A Secret To Cleaning Tile Floors And I Know The SecretThis week’s Squalor is inspired by our very own Shep McAllister, who pinged me in Slack to bemoan the state of the…ByJolie KerrPublishedNovember 12, 2019
There Is A Secret To Cleaning Glass Shower Doors And I Know The SecretBut I’m not going to tell you the secret. The end!ByJolie KerrPublishedNovember 6, 2019
Daily Shower Sprays Are Garbage. Here's What to Buy Instead.A reader recently asked me about shower sprays — those products that are designed to be sprayed, daily, in your…ByJolie KerrPublishedNovember 5, 2019
Five Bloody Good Ways To Remove Blood StainsJust as with skinning a cat or saying I love you (same thing, right?), there are many ways to remove blood stains.…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 30, 2019
Halloween Messes, From Blood To Vomit, CleanedIt is my personal belief—and I am absolutely not wrong about this—that November 1 is the worst day of the year, and…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 29, 2019
Five Solutions For Your Horribly Clogged DrainsA grim fact of life, and of plumbing, is that drains will become clogged. Hair is typically the culprit, but there…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 23, 2019
Your Nasty Shower And That Mysterious Orange Mold Don't Stand A Chance Against This Miracle CleanerToday, an ode to one of my favorite products (I have a whole list, yes!) inspired by a reader question:ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 22, 2019
So, You’ve Developed A Benign Toenail Fungus...Warning: the next paragraph features minor Succession spoilers. ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 16, 2019
So You Spilled Candle Wax...Here's How To Get It Off Of EverythingHello, and welcome to Wax Season! “Wax what-now?” WAX SEASON! Oh, do you not know Wax Season? Well sure, that’s fair…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 15, 2019
It's Officially Sweater SZN! Here's Is What You Need to Keep Them Clean.Sweaters are so great we’ve named an entire season for them. But sweaters also require a little bit of special…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 9, 2019
How To Clean Stained Leather (Just In Time For Boot Season!)This week, a plaintive reader email:ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 8, 2019
Five Biodegradable Dish Soaps That Make Dish-Doing More Earth-FriendlyIt doesn’t feel like it should be true that using an energy efficient dishwasher is a more environmentally friendly…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 3, 2019
What's In Your Cart, Josh Gondelman?Welcome back to What’s In Your Cart, where we ask noteworthy creators, athletes, and celebrities about their…ByShep McAllister, Zach Custer, and Jolie KerrPublishedOctober 2, 2019
It’s Chili SZN! Your Pots Will Suffer Unless You Buy These Two Things Right Now.The other day I caught myself, mid-sentence, saying these very seasonal words to some friends, “Maybe next weekend…ByJolie KerrPublishedOctober 1, 2019
Five Earth-Friendly Laundry Detergents That You Can Use With Less GuiltThere are lots of ways to cut down on the impact a cleaning product has on the environment, from using less water in…ByJolie KerrPublishedSeptember 25, 2019
Liquid, Powder, Or Pods? Laundry Detergent, Explained.Have you ever stopped to think about why you buy the kind of laundry detergent you buy? Probably not! Well, maybe at…ByJolie KerrPublishedSeptember 24, 2019
The Absolute Best On-The-Go Stain RemoversAn almost universal rule of stain removal is that the faster you get to the stain, the better the chance you’ll have…ByJolie KerrPublishedSeptember 18, 2019
Forget Tide Pens: Shout Wipes Are Where It’s AtI would apologize for the weirdness I’m about to subject you to, but you’re here reading a cleaning column so…ByJolie KerrPublishedSeptember 17, 2019
The Only Product You Need To Save Your ‘Pit Stained ShirtsThere are all kinds of ways to prevent pit stains — those yellow, cardboard-feeling stains that befoul many of our…ByJolie KerrPublishedSeptember 11, 2019
The Five OxiCleans For Every Type of StainOxiClean is an oxygen bleach, which is different from chlorine bleach in that it’s safe to use on both whites and…ByJolie KerrPublishedSeptember 10, 2019