From urban parks to the remote backcountry, Steppin’ Out is the Inventory’s week long gear guide to push you outside and keep you happy in the wild. With sun-drenched, exceptionally long days here, the outside world is your oyster. That alone should be motivation to step out the door and explore, but just in case, we’ve got recommendations from those who live to be outside.
Each day, we’ll journey a little further from home, covering what you need for excursions big and small, without the overcomplicated gear-head speak.
- Monday: The Urban Outdoors. Not every adventure outside has to be of epic proportions, and an escape from the confines of the city, without ever actually leaving, can be enough to rejuvenate you.
- Tuesday: The Day Hike. In a day’s time, you can step into whole new worlds, whether you’re summiting peaks or following winding rivers to waterfalls, the day hike is pound for pound the best way to explore the outdoors.
- Wednesday: Car Camping. With a weekend and a plan, you can explore new landscapes by day, and sleep under the stars at night, with many home amenities at your side.
- Thursday: Backpacking. The only way to truly unplug is to walk away from it all with your possessions on your back. Not permanently of course, but even a night in the backcountry can shift your perspective.
- Friday: End the week with clean gear and a cold one in hand.
We hope these guides help spark your next outing. May they be the last thing you stare at on a screen for a few hours... or days.