The weather has officially taken a turn, and snow is just around the corner for most of the country. But just because it’s gotten a little chillier doesn’t mean you have to give up your outdoor fun. Believe it or not, it’s totally possible to enjoy camping, hiking and more in the winter months (it’s even prettier than usual in my personal opinion). But if you’re going to do all that, you’re going to want to dress the part. Whether you’re gearing up for winter hikes or gifting to a fellow outdoor fan, this is your opportunity to stock up on all the clothes you need to enjoy your next hike or run. Alltrails has all the winter outdoor gear you need, ranging from puffy blankets to heavyweight trail socks, all for up to 50% off for a limited time.
AllTrails Winter Gear | Up to 50% off| AllTrails
AllTrails+ Subscription | AllTrails
If you’re looking for an even cheaper option to improve your trips, you can snag a free trial of the AllTrails+ App. AllTrails+ gives you more than just trail maps – it’s an app that’s a little like having a personal trail guide wherever you decide to roam. You get features like offline maps, 3D trail previews, wrong turn alerts, and live sharing, so you’ll never be truly lost, not when you have this app at your disposal. Be sure to hit up the Fall Sale at AllTrails, and then come back to take advantage of this deal. You’ll be glad you did when you plan your next camping and hiking trip.