Looking for Valentine's Day Gift? New Year, New Beauty Routine: Revitalize With 30% Off PMD Elite Pro Microderm

Exfoliate like a pro at home for a fraction of the cost of a spa trip.

New year, newly revitalized you.
New year, newly revitalized you.
Graphic: Riley Blackwell

A new year comes with new challenges, like getting older, which hardly anyone loves the idea of. With advanced tools like the PMD Personal Microderm Elite Pro, now 30% off to restore that youthful glow you’re known for. PMD has years of experience under its belt to test amazing tools that exfoliate and improve skin tone and texture by 86% with the power of spinning microdermabrasion discs. The Elite Pro by PMD works by using vacuum suction and spinning discs to exfoliate and suck out dead skin cells so serums and skincare absorb and work with ease. Also, check out the PMD Clean Body tool for even more exfoliation in the shower and a new you with every cleanse.

Personal Microderm Tools | 30% Off | PMD Beauty

The PMD Elite Pro is wireless and charges with a standing charger on the skin countertop, so there’s no need to fuss with wires hanging everywhere. The suction not only sucks away the dead skin cells but triggers the skin’s natural healing process and boosts collagen for a new, fresh face. All you have to do is choose the right disc, turn on the tool, and glide it across your face for a radiant new you for the new, radiant year.
