The humidity is kicking up for real in my neck of the woods. Heat is one thing, as we know, but it’s the humidity that will kill you in the summer months and, while I can’t quite say for sure what with time having lost all meaning, it does seem early in the season for it to already be this humid. So I guess in addition to everything else, 2020 is also going to gift us with a wildly hot summer!
Which is why I’ve decided that we should all buy extra-large ice packs and lie under them all summer long. I mean, look at this thing!

Flexicold Ice Pack | $28 | Amazon
Doesn’t that look like it feels divine?
I’m thinking about buying two, so I can make a full-body ice pack sandwich of myself.
Of course, while it looks like we’ll mostly be staying at home, there may be times when we’d like to take our full-body ice packs on the go with us.
You know, now that I’m thinking about it … we could also take a page out of the full-body sheet mask book and make a full-body ice pack for ourselves.
Well yes! Let’s do that.
This cooling head wrap is meant for migraine sufferers, but I don’t see why those of us who blessedly do not get migraines can’t wear it a stylish cooling turban.

Headache Hat | $40 | Amazon
Do you guys secretly love these gel-style cold packs for eyes because they make you feel like a very chill superhero? Because I sure do, yup.
SIDEBAR: Did we know that they make cooling eye masks for sleeping that have no eyeholes and that are weighted?? Oh my!

Weighted Eye Mask | $11 | Amazon
No joke I plan to wear one of these cooling neck packs while I cook this summer.
I bet this wrap for the shoulders and arms would feel very good on a sunburn. (Which none of you will get because you wear sunscreen, of course!)
Someone should market a combo ice pack-and-moisturizing wrap thing for elbows and knees and call it SMOOTH’n’CHILL. (Don’t steal that idea.)

Elbow Ice Pack | $25 | Amazon
Someone should market a combo ice pack-and-moisturizing wrap thing for ankles and wrists and call it CHILL TO THE EXTREMITIES. (Don’t steal that idea.)(Okay you can steal that one mostly because it’s not that good. I was going for an “extreme chill” play on extremities and it didn’t really work.)