DIY an Accent Wall With These On-Sale 3D Panels

A good accent wall really adds that special something to a home, and thanks to this deal, you don’t have to shell out to get one of your own. Right now, a variety of 3D wall panels from Art3d are on sale in a range of colors, patterns, and materials that are sure to impress your houseguests. 

For as little as $50, pick up a 6- or 12-pack of the leather or PVC panels of your choosing. Unlike the sticker tiles we’ve previously written about, these panels don’t seem to be self-adhesive, but they’re still relatively simple to install using any all-purpose adhesive glue. Not to mention, the satisfaction of staring at your new cool wall every day will make the minimal effort put into this DIY well worth it after wall, uh, all is said and done.