A nice camera can make your photos a lot better, but knowing how to use it is even better. If you’ve always been…
A nice camera can make your photos a lot better, but knowing how to use it is even better. If you’ve always been…
Everyone should be familiar with their bodies. Today at Lifehacker: After Hours, we’re sharing a ton of stuff you might not have been taught in school. Read more
“Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate a chocolate bar every day. It made the front page of Bild, Europe’s largest daily newspaper, just beneath their update about the Germanwings crash. [io9] Read more
It’s called “Screentendo”. It’s a desktop application built by Aaron Randall, and it allows you to turn a selection of the screen to something similar to a playable level of Super Mario Bros. [Kotaku] Read more
There are only two ways you should see the country by wheeled vehicle: buy a convertible and take as few of your possessions as possible, or, the other way, take a bathroom, a kitchen, and all the comforts of home with you. Here’s how to do the latter without breaking the bank or breaking your mind. [Jalopnik] Read more
From the lazy-but-totally-awesome files: Here are two solutions for making your fan automatically turn on once the…
Every week, we share a number of downloads for all platforms to help you get things done. Here were the top…
Android: Just in time for Memorial Day travelers, Google has updated its Maps application with more detailed traffic…
Every week, we share a number of downloads for all platforms to help you get things done. Here were the top…
The Chromecast just keeps getting better, with even more TV networks signing on to support its inexpensive,…
Whether you’re moving to a new side of town or moving across the country (or beyond), getting settled in a new city…
Some messages are so short, you don’t even need to open them—you can just archive them from your inbox, or from…
After the more powerful Raspberry Pi 2 came out, it was hard to justify buying the older model B+ for the same…
Rdio, one of the more popular streaming music services out there, just announced a new tier of service. For $3.99 a…