Whitson Gordon
Whitson Gordon is a writer, gamer, and all-around tech nerd. He eats potato chips with chopsticks so he doesn't get grease on his mechanical keyboard.

“Slim by Chocolate!” the headlines blared. A team of German researchers had found that people on a low-carb diet lost weight 10 percent faster if they ate a chocolate bar every day. It made the front page of Bild, Europe’s largest daily newspaper, just beneath their update about the Germanwings crash. [io9] Read more

It’s called “Screentendo”. It’s a desktop application built by Aaron Randall, and it allows you to turn a selection of the screen to something similar to a playable level of Super Mario Bros. [Kotaku] Read more

A newly discovered bug seems to cause Messages on iOS to crash when a specific string of text is received—and if it happens while the phone is locked, it also seems to reboot the iPhone too. [Gizmodo] Read more

More and more these days, consumers are being forced to sign Arbitration Agreements when they sign purchase agreements. There are numerous arguments against them but I’ll point out one thing: Arbitration is dangerously unpredictable and unfair. [Jalopnik] Read more