Hearts & Crafts Complete DIY Candle Making Kit | $31 | Amazon | Use romo code 20ZZS6BX
Ever thought making your own candles might be fun, but didn’t know where to start? Pick up the Hearts & Crafts Complete DIY Candle Making Kit, just $31 at Amazon when you use promo code 20ZZS6BX, and get going from there. It’s everything a beginner needs to make their own scented candles, including pre-waxed wicks, wax flakes, fragrances, candle tins, gift boxes, and more. You’ll experiment with making all-natural soy candles, and the four scents that come with them are warm and cozy: Lush Linen, Dreamy Lavender, Coconut Lime Zest, and Cinnamon Vanilla Swirl. You can use your own fragrance oils if you choose, but this kit will get you started down the path to a brand new hobby. It’s a fun little activity you can share with your loved ones for an afternoon, and possibly a window into a new activity you’ll want to do often. And this first step doesn’t have to break the bank.