Use These $29 Holiday Spirit Christmas Tree Storage Bags To Clean Up the Holidays

You can get started as soon as you eat Christmas dinner to stay on top of things.

Holiday Spirit Christmas Tree Storage Bags | $29 | Amazon
Holiday Spirit Christmas Tree Storage Bags | $29 | Amazon
Graphic: Brittany Vincent

Holiday Spirit Christmas Tree Storage Bags | $29 | Amazon

If you’re someone who reuses a Christmas tree for the holidays each year instead of wasting a perfectly good real tree annually, you probably need somewhere to store it. Jamming it into the closet all willy-nilly isn’t a good idea. Why not grab one of these Holiday Spirit Christmas Tree Storage Bags, just $29, at Amazon, and make this holiday season a little more organized? Just stuff everything into this handy compact bag, which can take up to a 7.5ft tree. It’s made of heavy duty canvas, so it won’t rip, and has reinforced handles so you can carry it up to the attic, down to the basement, or wherever you want it. Make the holidays a little easier von yourself and pick one up if you plan on putting up a tree and subsequently taking one down this year.