Enjoy the savings, and let us know of anything we missed in the comments.
- ReadQuick - Speed Reader ($10) | Normally $20
- Convertible - Best Unit Converter (convert Length, Area, Currency and many other units including non-standard ones!) ($1) | Normally $2
- FREE Fireball SE | Normally $2
- Jotalicious ($1) | Normally $2
- FREE Videomator | Normally $1
- FREE OLO game | Normally $3
- FREE Ballistic SE | Normally $2
- Province ($2) | Normally $5
- FREE Inferno+ | Normally $2
- FREE HoPiKo | Normally $2
- FREE Totems: Game of Conquest | Normally $4
- IR Universal Remote + WiFi Pro ($1) | Normally $2
- FREE Leo Galaxy: Text Based RPG | Normally $2
- Rochard ($3.50) | Normally $7
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