Winter is officially here, which means it’s the perfect time to stock up on warm outdoor active wear and gear. Columbia has long been synonymous with high-performing outdoor gear and great-looking apparel and accessories, and they’re running a big sale as we speak to gear up for the new year. That’s right, you can score some sweet winter sale deals this year, without the stress of crowds or sold out items. Get up to 50% off clothes, shoes, and other accessories now, during Columbia’s Annual Winter Sale. Plus, Columbia members can score an extra 30% off sale items, just because.
Columbia’s hardy clothes and shoes are perfect for casual hikers or trail walkers and all the way up to avid wilderness enthusiasts. Columbia’s camp shirts and pants are also perfect casual wear for going out with friends, and now that the temperatures are lowering, Columbia’s sale is a great opportunity to load up on jackets for winter. And definitely do not miss the Sale for everything from totes to insulated water bottles and trekking poles. Active lifestyle lovers, this sale is for you.