This Smoke Alarm's Battery Lasts 10 Years and Costs Just $9

50% off X-Sense Smoke Alarms | $9-$34 | X-Sense
50% off X-Sense Smoke Alarms | $9-$34 | X-Sense
Graphic: Quentyn Kennemer

50% off X-Sense Smoke Alarms | $9-$34 | X-Sense | Use promo code XSSD2L0AX

Seeing as you’re stuck in the house more often, you might want to make sure your smoke alarms are in order. Check the batteries, and check ‘em twice, then change them even if the thing can’t stop beeping. If you can’t get it to do any beeping, booping, and blinking, perhaps it’s time to buy a new one. X-Sense smoke alarms last ten years and they’re dirt cheap, the cost being slashed in half if you use promo code XSSD2L0AX. That takes a single smoke alarm from $18 down to $9, while a five-pack drops from $69 to $34.