Getting glue off of my eyelashes has proven to be one of the biggest pains in my ass this year. I was not blessed with gorgeous, long eyelashes like half of the men in my life. My eyelashes are fine. But sometimes, when I want to give my makeup a little oomph, I put on a pair of falsies.
I really like the way they make my eyes look; I feel like I don’t even need eyeliner. And fake lashes don’t budge off of my lash line when I pair them with House of Lashes Adhesive. This glue is amazing, and I could not say enough about how much I love its tackiness. The only con: It leaves a lot of residue on my eyes after I take the lashes off.
I’ve tried to remove the leftover lash glue with a variety of makeup removal products, including cleansers, oils, wipes, and more. Nothing has ever made much of a difference, so I’ve had to painfully pick off pieces of stuck-on glue, which really is a fucking pain. I thought I was going to be stuck living this glue-filled life, but then I got to test out InstaNatural’s Rose Makeup Cleansing Balm.
I have already used a number of InstaNatural products, so I was hopeful that this would be another ace to add to my skincare arsenal. Cleansing balms are different from other cleansers in that the balm is at first very thick (similar to coconut oil), and once it’s properly rubbed into your skin, it begins to melt. The Rose Cleansing Balm comes with a little scooper that you can use to get your desired amount of balm, then you lather it into your skin, add water to emulsify, and rinse it off. It felt weird to not immediately mix this with water when using it, at first, but now it feels natural to just grease up my face and get all the crud and makeup off before adding water.
After using it a few times with fake lashes, I am happy to report that it really does help get the lash glue off of my eyelashes, though I needed a few test runs to figure out the best method. I apply the balm directly to my eyes, which is a big deal for me; I have very sensitive skin, and my eyes freak out when they come into contact with certain products. With the Rose Cleansing Balm, I can just dive right in and rub it all over my closed eyes to work the balm in, and then I use water to get everything off.
The Rose Cleansing Balm really does what it advertises, though I must say, it is really messy. I often find it all over the sink after I am done washing my face off. But at least it is easy to clean up, and I don’t have lash glue stuck on my face anymore!