Alright, I’ve got about 40 minutes until my next virtual meeting so let’s make this a quick one.
I LIKE SNACKS. In fact, I friggin’ love ‘em. And when I get bored or stressed or angry or sad, I eat snacks. A whole lot! Sometimes I eat too many snacks and I hate myself the next day. But usually I just do my best to run it off.
Recently, however, there’s been little opportunity for intensive exercise. As I’ve spent roughly 10-12 hours a day working from home in a building with a shutdown gym (not to mention the weather’s been shit), I’ve been snacking more than ever.
You see, physical activity is normally my default coping mechanism for anxiety. But since that’s no longer a viable option, at least not on an everyday basis, I’ve had the munchies. In the likely event that you do too, allow me to divulge my shameful snacking secrets.

Of the fake-healthy variety, Popcorners are my guilty pleasure. I love these guys, especially the Sweet Chili flavor, which exemplifies my all-time favorite flavor combo: sweet ... and spicy.
Some honorable mentions include Jalepeño Cheddar, White Cheddar, and the only one still available when I dropped by Wegmans earlier this week for groceries: Spicy Queso, of which I now have two Family Size bags to ration out over the next several weeks.
Fun fact: Every time my future mother in-law comes over (I’m engaged btw, not just calling her that ‘cause I’m clingy), she brings at least one massive bag of Popcorners. The next day, they’re gone. You’ll never guess why.
Peanut Butter and “Jelly” and Crackers

While I recently limited myself to nomming on these once a week, it would be an incomplete list without my leading DIY snack, peanut butter and jelly and crackers.
This treat, which is high in protein but also in sugar, unfortunately—for me—consists of generic creamy peanut butter ( I like to save $$$ where I can), and, lately, Bonne Maman plum preserves. So I guess it’s technically peanut butter and preserves and crackers, but that doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.
Whole Grain Goldfish Crackers

Another faux healthy option on this list, this carton of whole grain Goldfish crackers remind me of childhood. Don’t ask me why, because I never really stopped eating them. But when I saw these bad boys sitting, desperately, on the store shelf earlier this week, I had to cop.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they still retain that classic Goldfish flavor, which means you may have to brush your teeth immediately after devouring a handful—I don’t know what these things are made of but they sure do get stuck in your molars, don’t they?
Anyway, I should probably read the nutrition label at some point. Right after I eat one last fishy.
Icelandic Skyr

Last year, on a weekend in which I had nothing better to do, my partner and I splurged and went out to Brooklyn Cider House for its Taste of Iceland festivities. It was there that I discovered Skyr, and ever since, my life has changed for the better.
Similar to Greek yogurt, Skyr is a cultured dairy product with a THICC consistency. It’s a little sour, a little sweet, and a lot delicious. Now, to be completely frank, authentic Icelandic dessert Skyr is different from the stuff you can buy off the shelf here in the states. It’s usually served with just the right amount of fruit and jam on top.
Personally, with the store-bought Skyr, I like to mix in pomegranate arils for a juicier twist. Still, it tastes pretty good on its own, too. When it comes to yogurt, it’s one of the more expensive options but, to me, it’s well worth the premium.
Icelandic Provisions available flavors:
Nature Valley Coconut Butter Biscuits

Heaven. In. My. Mouth. Let me first preface this by saying, yes, Nature Valley Biscut With Coconut Butter are 190 calories each. I am not by any stretch of the imagination going to try to convince you they’re healthy. They are, on the other hand, delectable, what with their creamy coconut filling sandwiched between two flaky coconut biscuits.
Maybe I just like coconut.