Take 30% Off This Remote Control Batmobile While Conquering Water and Land

The orphan wishes that his batmobile drove on water.

All Terrain Batmobile RC | $38 | Target
All Terrain Batmobile RC | $38 | Target
Graphic: Keith Stawarz

All Terrain Batmobile RC | $38 | Target

Remote control toys will always have a special place in our hearts. They are so much fun and they keep evolving. This Batmobile RC is a nifty toy that’s water-resistant and can go from land to water. Screw a boat—get a car that does both. This thing will rip through mud, snow, grass, and any type of terrain you put it up against. Race up to six vehicles from over 100 feet away with the 2.4GHz dual joystick controller. Kids and adults will have endless amounts of fun with this car. You can even stick any four-inch action figure that you have in this car and take it for a ride. Save 30% now.