Sit On Snorlax's Lap and Drink Coffee From His Head

Save 25% on select Pokémon items over at GameStop.

Save 25% on Select Pokémon | GameStop
Pokémon Snorlax Bean Bag Chair | $187 | GameStop
Pokémon Snorlax Novelty Mug | $16 | GameStop
Save 25% on Select Pokémon | GameStop
Pokémon Snorlax Bean Bag Chair | $187 | GameStop
Pokémon Snorlax Novelty Mug | $16 | GameStop
Graphic: Joe Tilleli

Save 25% on Select Pokémon | GameStop
Pokémon Snorlax Bean Bag Chair | $187 | GameStop
Pokémon Snorlax Novelty Mug | $16 | GameStop

Snorlax is the best Pokémon. I’m just gonna come out and say it. And after all these years, he’s finally getting his due. A ton of merch has been made in his image and they’re all just wonderful. You can sit in a giant bean bag of this big boy for $187 while also drinking some coffee or tea out of a mug that looks like his noggin for $16. There’s also some other cool stuff worth checking out in this Pokémon sale at GameStop, but nothing holds a candle to this chubby sleep man you can stick in your living room.