There are a lot of excellent streaming services out there vying for your attention, and while many are worth grabbing, we think that the MagellanTV Documentary Streaming Service is one of the best ones out there. Right now, you can grab it with 79% off for just $199 for the rest of your life. This service offers some of the best documentaries out there, making it a great gift for the doc-lovers in your life, or a sweet treat for you to binge over the holidays.
MagellanTV Documentary Streaming Service | $199 | 79% Off
MagellanTV has an absurdly large library of documentaries covering everything you could ever imagine, from ancient history and modern science to nature, t0 space, and even crime documentaries. If there’s anything you’re even tangentially interested in, then you’ll be able to learn more about it thanks to this service, and being able to simply pay one price for ad-free documentaries for the rest of time is well worth the investment.