Good news for book fanatics and those who like listening as well as reading. Amazon is offering Audible Premium Plus for nothing for the first three months, meaning you’ll save just under $45 dollars at the moment. That means you can use this service for over 90 days of podcasts, books, and more, and not pay a penny until after that. That means this is the perfect time to find a new favorite or finally get through the books you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t had time for just yet. Listening to them can help you complete them even faster!
Audible Premium Plus | 3 months free | Amazon
That’s something you don’t have to stress about. Unwind with 12 credits to spend on any audiobook, and free access to the Premium Plus selections, no credits needed. Sign up today and enjoy some of the best stories out there on the platform, whether you like thrillers, romance, YA, or fantasy. There’s plenty out there to dive into, and you can do it all from the comfort of your cozy bed or couch. We could all use a little more reading time, after all!
This story was originally published by Erin O’Brien on 11/08/2022 and updated with new information on 06/29/2023 by Jason Coles, by Miranda Martin on 7/11/23 and 10/2/23, and by Brittany Vincent on 7/26/23 and 11/21/23.