Whizzy Wheel Car Decal Remover | $17 | Amazon | Promo Code 15ZG8T67
We all do things we don’t mean to on occasion, like put up political bumper stickers we can’t remove or car window decals for a school our kid transferred from before the first semester ended. And we are forever left madder than a dad in traffic because of it. But not anymore! The Whizzy Wheel Car Decal and Sticker Remover is 15% off on Amazon with promo code 15ZG8T67, which means this weirdly effective little gizmo is just $17. It has a 4" diameter, is crafted from soft nontoxic rubber, and includes a metal adapter for connecting the remover to a household drill. Slip one into your old man’s stocking this year and watch him finally chisel off those sunbaked Dead bears to his heart’s content. Efficiently, too.