Roll a D20 and Escape to Another World: The D&D Starter Set and Essentials Kit Are on Sale

Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set | $12 | Amazon
Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit | $16 | Amazon
Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set | $12 | Amazon
Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit | $16 | Amazon
Graphic: Gabe Carey

Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set | $12 | Amazon
Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit | $16 | Amazon

Get ready to leave this world and escape to one permeated with orcs, clerics, and elves—the D&D starter set is on sale for $12 over at Amazon. Better still, if you’re going to be stuck inside for the foreseeable future, you might as well go deep into the lore and shell out for the Essentials Kit, which is also on sale, for $16. Although, sure, you won’t be able to play with your friends in person, you can at least learn the rules and play remotely.

Who knew social distancing could inspire new hobbies?