Lettuce Helps Improve Finances for Solo Business Owners With Free 1,000 Solopreneurs Accelerator Program

Save big this year with Lettuce and stay on top of your expenses.

Lettuce is here to make sense of solopreneur finances.
Lettuce is here to make sense of solopreneur finances.
Photo: Lettuce

The number of full-time solo entrepreneurs has shot up a whopping 91% since 2020. People making over $100k yearly have grown 53% too, surprisingly. But despite driving economic growth, solo entrepreneurs can often be lacking support when it comes to business and money management. And so many of those entrepreneurs overpay on taxes by $15,000 or more every year without the proper guidance – and we can all agree that’s $15,000 too much.

That’s why Lettuce was created by and for solo entrepreneurs. It provides tailored expertise to help solopreneurs master the tax system and implement accounting strategies that work for their business needs. Because it can be extremely difficult figuriing all these things out alone.

UsingAI and automation, Lettuce handles all the tax prep and accounting heavy-lifting, from legal entity setup to annual filings, for solo business owners. This means some serious profit-boosting tax perks typically only available to big corporations.

1,000 Solopreneuers Program | Lettuce

Lettuce eliminates the uncertainty, wasted time, and compliance risks that solopreneurs face when tackling taxes and accounting alone without the proper guidance – and you can benefit as well.


Lettuce recently launched their “1,000 Solopreneurs” Accelerator Program to boost profitability for the 2024 tax season. It offers a customized assessment of business structure, expenses, retirement planning, tax analysis, and more.

Participants also get a free 2023 tax return to maximize savings. With expertise tailored to solo entrepreneurs, Lettuce simplifies taxes and accounting to help boost profits.


This year, you can be more profitable. You just need a little kickstart. Be one of the first 1,000 businesses to qualify for Lettuce’s Business Assessment Program today and you can make the tax system work in your favor.
