I'm Commander Shepard and This Is My Favorite Deal on The Inventory

Save $35 on Mass Effect Legendary Edition for Steam.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Steam Key) | $25 | Amazon
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PS4) | $32 | Amazon
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (XBO/XSX) | $37 | Amazon

Over 100 hours of story across three games remastered to see the light of day once again. Play as Commander Shepard as he attempts to convince a governing power to do something about an impending doom on the horizon facing their civilization while said governing power still argues whether the threat is even real. Boy, sci-fi/fantasy sure is wacky! Aside from that, you’ll meet, befriend, and fall in love with one of the best-supporting casts across games in that of your crew members. The moment-to-moment gameplay is great but what sticks with you are the conversations with characters you’ve grown attached to. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available for Steam for just $25 right now.


This story was originally published by Joe Tilleli on 09/08/2021 and updated with new information on 09/14/2022.