I am Vengeance. I am the 4K UHD Blu-ray of The Batman for $15

Save 70% on the 4K UHD Blu-ray of Matt Reeve's The Batman.

The Batman (4K Ultra HD) Blu-ray | $15 | Amazon
The Batman (4K Ultra HD) Blu-ray | $15 | Amazon
Graphic: Joe Tilleli

The Batman (4K Ultra HD) Blu-ray | $15 | Amazon

Fear is a tool, much like your Blu-ray player is so you can watch The Batman (2022) in 4K Ultra HD at home which is down to $15. This is the best Gotham has ever looked on screen. It feels like its own city and not just Chicago. A scary, haunted place to be walking around in. Robert Pattinson is menacing as The Batman, Zoë Kravitz kills it as Selina Kyle, and Paul Dano seems born to play the Riddler. Of course, can go without mentioning the unrecognizable Colin Farrell as the Penguin. If you haven’t seen this flick yet, pick up The Batman on Blu-ray and be sure to watch it with the best sound system possible. I’d recommend using a quality set of surround sound headphones. You will feel the revving of the batmobile in your bones.