Have Delicious, Easy Smoothie Superfoods Delivered to Your Door With the Bomb Co.’s Blender Bombs

Soup up your favorite smoothies with healthy additions from these yummy Blender Bombs.

Blender Bombs make it easy to enjoy healthy smoothies.
Blender Bombs make it easy to enjoy healthy smoothies.
Graphic: Brittany Vincent

Love smoothies, but wish you had an easy way to pack them with more nutrients? Hang on to your favorite fruits and veggies, and get hold of Blender Bombs from The Bomb Co. They’re the new way to add whole food smoothie boosting ingredients to your drinks, all delivered to your door in a variety of tasty flavors with all the nutrients and ingredients you need! Available in several flavors like The OG Blender Bomb, the aloe and Irish sea moss-fused Glow-Getter Blender Bomb, the goji, coconut, and acai Get Up & Goji Blender Bomb, and more, you just drop these ingredient balls into your blender, mix everything up, and enjoy a tasty smoothie!

30% Off Blender Bomb Subscription | The Bomb Co. | Promo Code: BOMBSAWAY

You can buy each flavor on its own or subscribe to The Bomb Co. for regularly-delivered Blender Bombs to your doorstep. If you’d like to try it out today, you can actually save 30% off your Blender Bomb subscription when you use code BOMBSAWAY. You’ll want to act fast, since this deal will only be available for a limited time. If you’re ready to make a positive difference in your diet, it’s time to go ahead and invest in the secret to making superfoods work for you.
