Mini IT8 SE | $279 | Geekom | Promo Code 279it8se
Mini IT8 | $349 | Geekom | Promo Code 349it8i5
Mini PCs are a fantastic way to get a full desktop experience while saving space on the actual top of your desk. Geekom has some good selections that are discounted for its back-to-school sale. The Mini IT8 SE comes in a minuscule 4.61" by 4.41" case, but don’t let that fool you. You’ll have no problem running the basics of your computational needs. If you are in need of something that packs a little more punch, the Mini IT8 swaps out the i3 processor for an i5 processor. This build has no problem running at 60Hz at 4K. they’re each already discounted, but use the promo codes listed above to save even more.