Buy Committee, I need to call on your help once again.
As it gets colder and I begin working from home more, I’m dreading losing all of the progress of my weight loss. I’m scared that my penchant for playing Pokemon non-stop and eating dumplings in Queens will overcome any desire I have to brave the cold to get to the gym.
Nintendo’s new-ish $80 fitness game, the Ring Fit Adventure, promises to help me get a workout at home, and have fun while doing it. It uses RPG mechanics to keep players motivated during workouts. (I mean, talk about gamification. Amirite?) It all seems fun and goofy in that trademark Nintendo way.
So, Buy Committee (that’s you), scroll down to the comments to share your experiences with your Ring Fit Adventure. Help me decide whether I should invest in this exercise game. I’m really curious to hear if the game has lasting appeal, and didn’t get shelved a couple of weeks into use.
Of course, we’re looking to help you decide on more purchases. So, if you’re still agonizing over something, email deals@gizmodomedia.com with the subject line “Buy Committee” or tweet us at @ItsTheInventory.