Whitson Gordon
Whitson Gordon is a writer, gamer, and all-around tech nerd. He eats potato chips with chopsticks so he doesn't get grease on his mechanical keyboard.

See my response to this concern in the comments below. Kwikset already thought of that--even with the keys sitting on the doorknob, it won't unlock unless the fob or phone is on the outside of the door. Read more

See my response to this concern in the comments below. Kwikset already thought of that--even with the keys sitting

Yeah, but do you actually use both locks at once? I only use the deadbolt because if I use the lock on the knob, I will almost certainly lock myself out of the house without keys. (It’s happened multiple times, lol) Read more

Yeah, but do you actually use both locks at once? I only use the deadbolt because if I use the lock on the knob, I

That is definitely the opposite of my experience, but you aren’t alone. Have you tried running the in-app calibration? Sometimes that can help with detection issues. The fob not working is what’s really puzzling to me, because mine works phenomenally well. Read more

That is definitely the opposite of my experience, but you aren’t alone. Have you tried running the in-app

This is a totally viable option, and it really depends on the person, their savviness, and what kind of smart home they’re trying to set up. As you say, it takes a bit more work and knowhow, and not everyone has that. I’m pretty tech savvy and even I prefer the easy setup stuff, to be honest—I don’t even have a Z-Wave Read more

This is a totally viable option, and it really depends on the person, their savviness, and what kind of smart home

Actually, no! I tested it with the keys near the door on the other side—even tested them with my fob hanging off the doorknob—and it wouldn’t open. It only works if your phone/fob are on the correct side of the door. They really seem to have thought that through. Read more

Actually, no! I tested it with the keys near the door on the other side—even tested them with my fob hanging off the

Lifehacker post of the year, right here. I’m laughing out loud at “How to Get a New iPhone X If You’re an Arduino” in the middle of an airplane, so thanks for that. Read more

I have the ability to grow facial hair around my mouth, yes, but I shave it every other day or so (that is, I don’t purposely grow my beard). Read more

As I’ve gotten older, my skin has gotten a little better, but I find that I still have acne right around my lipline, and near the corners of my mouth. These have always been the worst spots for me, and I still haven’t really “grown out” of it. I’ve been trying to figure out what the cause could be for such Read more

I bet if you wanted to go through the hassle, you could get at least a hundred for it on eBay instead of recycling it! Read more

Good stuff. For those looking for a slightly different sound, here’s my playlist recommendation: Create a Pandora station from the artist “Purity Ring”. Yes, it’s ironic. But the resulting station is very, very good for activities. Read more

Tossing in my vote for this method. I use a pull-up bar turned upside-down which basically accomplishes the same thing—I used to get mad wrist pain from regular push ups, and push-up handles like this fixed it completely. Read more

I guess that was the silver lining. We may have really messed up one life hack, but I learned a new (very important) one: put out grease fires with baking soda. Read more

Back when we were dating, my now-wife invited me to her family’s house for Easter. I don’t remember if this was our first or second holiday together, but it was definitely relatively early in the relationship. It was a big brunch, and her mom didn’t have enough space on the stove for all the bacon, so her brother Read more

the bizarre button layout of the Nintendo 64 means it’s next to impossible to use this controller for anything but Nintendo 64 games Read more

You probably don’t have to (provided your current SSD was set up properly), but it can’t hurt, so yeah I’d check it. Read more

Got one mission left in Dishonored (the first one). Just gotta get through my last bit of work for the day and then it’s time to finish this sucker...absolutely loving it so far. First stealth game I’ve gotten really into. Read more