Whitson Gordon
Whitson Gordon is a writer, gamer, and all-around tech nerd. He eats potato chips with chopsticks so he doesn't get grease on his mechanical keyboard.

This comment didn’t really enough going for it to warrant an all caps intro but I’m glad you’re taking my recommendation into consideration Read more

We are doomed to fight about everything forever, yet I’m hesitant to stop for fear it is the main basis of our friendship Read more

Not only does Five Guys charge double, but Smashburger is unequivocally better than Five Guys. Five Guys is good, but Smashburger is phenomenal. Read more

I fuckin love Hershey’s chocolate and eat it all the time Read more

This isn’t because I doubt the reasoning behind the pairing, but because candy corn is terrible, and no one should eat it. Read more

Having gone back and played some of the old sonic games recently, I don’t think they were as much about speed as a lot of us remember. The first few levels were, sure, but the deeper you get into the game, the more a lot of it feels like solving puzzles or traversing difficult terrain. There are still spots with Read more

Screw the Moto X Pure. I’m talking about the one, the only, the original 2013 Moto X. Read more

“lord, I think that was a Moto X”

This makes it sound like you think the original Moto X isn’t still the best Android phone of all time. Read more

This might be the only time I’ve ever disagreed with you, Kirk. Read more

Not only that, but it gives you wiggle room. My wife and I are big planners, but most of our friends are not, so we plan out our meals the week before, but having a night off is great in case things change. Just this week, a friend texted us Monday night asking if we wanted to come over Tuesday for dinner. Since we Read more

It doesn’t. If you’re getting a beta build, it means the final build hasn’t started rolling out for that device at all. Enrolling in the beta now won’t change how soon Google starts the rollout for that model. Enrolling in the beta on day 1 of the rollout would get you the update at the exact same time as enrolling in Read more

This is true, for most phones. Some haven’t necessarily started the rollout yet, and will get a Preview version. Read more

There is no backstory. One day Layf Haker just appeared on Twitter with no explanation. And the world was blessed. And then I guess now they’re writing guest posts for Senior Week... Read more

Man, Lifehacker’s gone so downhill since Layf Haker left Read more

Some cosmetics do cost significantly less on Amazon, but you have to be careful with them, too. I’ve heard repeatedly that some cosmetics sold by third parties—perfume/cologne, some shampoos, stuff like that—can often come watered down so you aren’t getting the real product. Stuff sold by Amazon should be fine (albeit Read more

Agreed, but there’s a difference between a one star review for “My drink took 10 minutes” and one star review for “I’m out $1000 and this contractor did a shit job I have to pay even more money to fix.” One is overkill, the other is probably not. Read more