I had thought for years that I was doomed to chapped lips. Apply in the morning, continue to apply throughout the day, go to bed and wake up with bleeding lips, repeat. But now, I have more options than an oily stick of lip balm when it comes to relief, and the newest one from Kiehl’s is at the top of my recommendation list for those suffering my same affliction.
When I opened Kiehl’s new Buttermask for Lips it smelled incredible, like walking into an upscale candy shop where you buy $5 chocolate truffles. The Mango Butter and Coconut Oil combined into a sweet, dessert-like scent that is saccharine but not offensive or artificical. What I loved about the Buttermask, compared to the Laneige Sleeping Lip Mask or the Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask that I swear by, is that the texture is much more like a heavy cream or balm than a more petroleum gel-like.
With more and more people starting to really give a shit about their skin, mask are becoming integral part of skin care routines. For the first time in my memory, taking care of your dry lips isn’t just about exfoliation and lip balm; it’s about investing in the deep hydration of an oft-neglected part of your face.
And it’s not just heavy-duty overnight masks either. Tons of brands are launching lip sheet masks, like the Instagram-popular gel lip masks from patchology and skyn Iceland. Even Sephora’s house brand is getting in on the trend.
Here’s a pro tip to keep you accountable for your lip health: leave your lip mask on your bedside table to make sure you actually put it on before bed.
While I have you, please invest in lip balm with SPF!!