Apple Is Offering Three Free Months of Apple Music

Get free access to over 100 million songs and 30,000 lists playable across all of your Apple devices.

Over 100 million songs and 30,000 playlists for free? Sign up for a new Apple Music account now.
Over 100 million songs and 30,000 playlists for free? Sign up for a new Apple Music account now.
Graphic: Mike Fazioli

Are you an Apple Music subscriber? If you said “yes,” you already know that Apple Music has over 100 million songs and 30,000 ad-free playlists, and that you can access them all on all of your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. If you said “no,” you can move yourself into the “yes” column for free — Apple is offering three free months of Apple Music to new subscribers now through Sept. 23.

Apple Music | 3 free months | Apple

To redeem this great offer, open the Apple Music app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, and sign in with your Apple ID. If the offer doesn’t appear immediately after launching the app, go to the Listen Now tab where it will appear. Once you’re in, you have three free months of curated playlists, Apple Music Live, and all 100 million-plus songs, and you can take them on the road with CarPlay. After the free period ends, Apple Music auto-renews for just $10.99 per month.
