Your Clothes Can Be Both Soft and Strong with Lou & Grey

Lou & Grey is no longer LOFT’s shy, younger sister. The brand has blossomed into its own, Tumblr-pink explosion of fashionable and (not or) comfortable clothing.

Materials like wool, cashmere, velvet, and cotton are utilized in a way that will make you feel good for wearing the clothes, instead of just feeling good in them. Just looking at the website (or their newest brick and mortar store in NYC), you can feel the softness without even touching anything. Their slogan is even “So Crazy Soft,” so you get the idea.

Their Signaturesoft collection should be the first place to look if you’r enew to the brand. The fabric that’s behind the line, which is a 97/3 mix of Rayon and Spandex, is what kicked off Lou & Grey’s obsession with everything soft.

Lou & Grey is so much more than an off-shoot of LOFT. It does simple, attractive basics that you will continue to wear and feel comfortable doing so.