Work Better From Home With This Dual-Screen Laptop Monitor for $250

StackSocial is offering 26% off the regular price.

This dual-screen monitor doubles the screen size of your laptop.
This dual-screen monitor doubles the screen size of your laptop.
Graphic: Elise Caplan

If you work from home, you know this problem. You start working on your laptop, and sooner than later, your flow slows down — the screen just isn’t big enough for multitasking. You could add a big desktop set-up to your home, but that’s not a solution if space is at a premium. The answer is a dual-screen laptop monitor, and we have a great one to recommend: this Duex Plus model, available now for $250 at StackSocial.

Mobile Pixels DUEX Plus — Portable Dual-Screen Laptop Monitor | $250 | StackSocial

With this deal (26% off the regular price), you get a well-reviewed laptop monitor that’s reliable and easy to install. It’s compatible across operating systems and has a 13.3" diagonal screen with full HD resolution. “Given my limited deskspace (mostly taken up by my clutter), this additional monitor was a near-ideal addition to my MacBook Pro,” wrote one happy user. Check out the deal at StackSocial now.