The Nintendo Switch is only a few months shy of its 5 year anniversary, which is crazy to say out loud. This is why I am typing it instead. In those 5 years, we’ve seen amazing titles from Nintendo and indie studios alike. But this isn’t an article to talk about those games to death. We’ve all seen plenty of those already. No. Instead, let’s take a moment to highlight some of the best accessories to have come out for the Switch in these 5 years.
Any of the Switch models make for a great experience out of the box, but third-party companies are doing some amazing work to enhance your gaming further with their accessories. I know I have some I couldn’t bear without. My 8BitDo SN30 Pro controller has become my defacto gamepad for sidescrollers while my Fastsnail Joy-Con grips have made Mario Kart 8: Deluxe much more bearable when I have company over. Whether it’s a third-party controller, a grip that makes handheld more comfortable, or a fun case with Tom Nook’s face on it—we want to know what your favorite add-ons have been to this wonderful little gadget. It might just make the perfect gift this holiday season as well.
Some quick rules for your nominations:
1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific accessory, why it is your favorite, a link where it can be purchased, and an image.
2) You can nominate multiple accessories, but please put each one in a separate comment.
3) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.