Bars, clubs, pools, kitchens, backyards...all fine places to drink. But if we’re being honest, they all pale in comparison to drinking in the shower.
The easiest and best drinking vessel for this endeavor is an aluminum can, but what if your beverage of choice isn’t a beer? Or what if it is a beer, but it’s in a glass bottle which could literally cause you to bleed to death if your soapy hands dropped it?
So this week for a special summer Co-Op, we’re asking you to pick the best shower drinking cup. Check out the rules below, then jump into the comments before the hot water runs out.
1) Your nomination should contain the name of a specific cup, why you think it’s the best, a link where it can be purchased, and an image.
2) You can nominate multiple products, but please put each one in a separate comment.
3) Vote by starring someone else’s nomination.
4) Please do not duplicate nominations.