Warm up With Safety in Mind With the Pelonis Ceramic Indoor Heater at 31% Off

PELONIS 1500W Indoor Heater | $45 | Amazon
PELONIS 1500W Indoor Heater | $45 | Amazon
Photo: Daryl Baxter

PELONIS 1500W Indoor Heater | $45 | Amazon

As the year concludes and we finally escape this long year of March 2020, winter will be setting in to the hilt, which means the heating will be working full-time once again.

However, if you’re working in one room and you’d rather have heating for one place, or even if there’s children nearby, a ceramic heater such as this one from Pelonis is the ideal heater.

It can be knocked over and it will automatically switch off, alongside overheating protection and a timer to safely arrange how the heater will be used.

For $45 it’s a great method of keeping warm in one room as you work away, especially if you’re living alone for now.