Treat Your Teeth To This Sonicare Toothbrush & Flosser Bundle Pack

Today’s Gold Box is a gift for your teeth, featuring Sonicare’s Essence+ toothbrush and electric air flosser bundle for just $48. Each piece alone normally costs between $30 - $50, so getting both under $50 is a steal.

First up, the new Philiips Sonicare AirFloss is a better way to clean between your teeth, and (hopefully) one you’re less likely to forget about. Just fill it with water or mouthwash, position the tip between your teeth, and hit a button, and between 1-3 high pressure bursts will rinse out all of the grime between your teeth, no floss required.

The entry-level Sonicare toothbrushes have long been our readers’ favorite electric toothbrush because of the durability and battery life. This Sonicare Essence+ is a step up from the base model, as it fits with the entire line of Sonicare brush heads, giving you a lot more options.

Today’s deal will only last through the end of the day or until the product sells out. Your dentist will thank you.