Today's Best Gaming Deals: Final Fantasy, Gaming Mice Galore, and More

Need a Final Fantasy fix until XV comes out? Final Fantasy Type-0 HD should be just what the doctor ordered, and Amazon has it for $40 today on PS4 and Xbox One. This is a Gold Box deal, meaning this price is only available today, or until sold out. [Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, $40]

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Need a new gaming mouse? You've got no shortage of great options to choose from today.

Watch Dogs was far from a perfect game, but at $20, it might be worth the price just to explore its massive open world recreation of Chicago. The price is available on PS4, PS3, Xbox On3, and Xbox 360. [Watch Dogs, $20]

Not only does the PS Vita come with a $30 discount today, it also ships with a copy of Borderlands 2. Can't beat that. [PS Vita Borderlands Bundle, $170]

If your Minecraft creations never und up looking like the marvelous castles from your favorite YouTube videos, Mojang's official handbook can help. Plus, it'll look great on your shelf.

If you're caught up in a Game of Thrones frenzy like the rest of the world, you can pick up all five books on Kindle for $10, which is insane. [A Song of Ice and Fire 5-Book Kindle Collection, $10]

It's also available for the same price in paperback.

Kinja Co-Op: Most Popular Gaming Mouse 2015: Logitech G502 and Razer DeathAdder


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