Dragon Ball Z Popcorn Maker | $30 | GameStop
Sometimes, we just see a deal that we have no choice but to post. This is one of those deals. You can get a Dragon Ball Z Popcorn Maker for $30 at GameStop. That’s right, folks. You can pop corn inside of that big Dragon Ball and then use it as a service dish. This presents a key chance to make some Dragon Ball jokes, so you know we’re going to take them. Gags like “You can cook your popcorn for over 9,000 minutes” (don’t do that). Or perhaps a one-liner about how this will spend multiple days charging up its power before actually cooking your popcorn (it doesn’t do that, it makes popcorn at a normal rate of time). Maybe I’ll just say “Goku” as a joke and call it a day. Either way, you can cook popcorn inside of a Dragon Ball for $30. Goku.
This story was originally published by Giovanni Colantonio on 01/20/2021 and updated with new information on 02/24/2021.