These LED Flashlights Bend to Your Will, Get Two for $14

Flexiglo Flexible LED Flashlight (2-Pack) | $12 | SideDeal

Quick, go to SideDeal and take a look at these flexible LED flashlights. I’m only urging you to do so right away to catch a glimpse of the GIF that shows all the weird angles you can bend it into, making it look like one of those cobras responding to a snake charmer. Now that you can’t get the image out of your head, go ahead and buy two for $12.

There’s a lot of potential fun to be had with these, but with three illumination modes and a backside magnet, they also seem super useful, so grab some if your imagination agrees.

This deal was originally was published in August 2020 and updated with new information on 9/18/2020.