These $12 Pokémon Holiday Plushies Are Just Dang Cute

Charmander Holiday Plush | $12 | Amazon
Squirtle Holiday Plush | $12 | Amazon
Charmander Holiday Plush | $12 | Amazon
Squirtle Holiday Plush | $12 | Amazon
Image: Amazon

Charmander Holiday Plush | $12 | Amazon
Squirtle Holiday Plush | $12 | Amazon

When I bring you deals, I try to find the most high demand items out there. Consoles? New releases? Essential tech? I’m here for you. But sometimes, you have to share something solely because it’s dang cute. With that preface, here’s some adorable Pokémon holiday plushies on sale for $12 at Amazon. Behold, Charmander with a little hat or Squirtle with some fluffy ear muffs so he doesn’t freeze. Squirtle is full of water, after all. With Mariah Carey back on the airwaves, you are legally allowed to get festive now, so why not ring in the cold season by cuddling up with these charmers? I’m feeling the winter love already. Bring on the snow!