The Smallest 12,000mAh Charger, and a Short Lightning Cable to Match

$18 for a 12,000mAh external battery pack is a solid deal any day, but this particular model claims to be the smallest 12,000mAh pack in the world, weighing in at only 245g. Its long, skinny shape might not be right for everyone, but I think it looks pretty fetching compared to the squareish packs we usually see. [Aukey 12000mAh Portable External Battery Pack, $18 with code TEBRJI47]

While we’re on the subject of small charging gear, Aukey’s 8” Lightning cable is on sale as well. It’s too short to get tangled up in your bag, making it perfect for travel. [Aukey Lightning to USB Cable (0.66ft), $7 with code CGEGV5C2]

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