Take Control of Your Finances With This Pay-What-You-Want Personal Finance Course Bundle

For only two more days, choose your own price for six StackSocial courses, or beat the average price to unlock all eight.

StackSocial Personal Finance Bundle | Pay What You Want | StackSocial
StackSocial Personal Finance Bundle | Pay What You Want | StackSocial
Graphic: Wes Davis

StackSocial Personal Finance Bundle | Pay What You Want | StackSocial

Debt and uncertainty can be crushing, and all-too-pervasive, features of modern life in a capitalist society, but there are ways out for those with the dedication and know-how, and if you don’t know where to start, this pay-what-you want personal finance course bundle from StackSocial is a good choice. For the next two days, you can do what I assume a personal finance guru would tell you to and pay nothing for 6 courses, or beat whatever the current average price is ($16 as of this writing, but it appears to change every 15 minutes) to get all eight courses.

Courses range from simple budgeting to teaching you how to invest your money, and I stopped mid sentence there to go buy it myself, because I don’t understand investments at all and part of my problem is I’m willing to throw 16 bucks at anything, because anything under $20 is imaginary to my stupid brain, so I might as well throw it at something that will probably teach me to cut that shit out. Again, this deal only runs for two more days, so you’ll want to jump on it fast.