Start Your Road Trip Emergency Kit With 30% off Tacklife's Tire Inflator and 1200A Peak Jump Starter [Exclusive]

Image for article titled Start Your Road Trip Emergency Kit With 30% off Tacklife's Tire Inflator and 1200A Peak Jump Starter [Exclusive]

Tacklife M1 Tire Inflator | $26 | Promo code ZNXTETSY
Tacklife 1200A Peak Jump Starter | $49 | Promo code OA5ULQG2

Now that we’re all plotting our eventual escapes from [insert city here], it’s best practice to lug around a first aid kit for your car. Should your tires deflate or your car break down, you’ll need a tire inflator and/or jump starter on hand. I’d grab one of each since Tacklife has both on sale right now for 30% off on Amazon. For the tire inflator, enter the promo code ZNXTETSY at checkout, and watch as the price is reduced to a mere $26. The 1200A peak jump starter, on the other hand, comes down to $49 with the coupon code OA5ULQG2.

Snap up either one for your trunk-stored emergency kit today and never be left wondering what to do when you’re stranded during quarantine. Whether you’re fleeing to a remote cabin in the mountains or simply making an essential grocery run, owning both of these gadgets is a MUST for drivers of any skill level. You never know when you’ll need a jump—or even a little more air in your tires. Tacklife comes recommended as one of our readers’ favorite names in the tools and auto space, so much so that we created a regularly updated roundup of deals pertaining to the brand you can check out below.