DJI’s Phantom series of drones (I know they aren’t really drones, please, save your comments) is the undisputed leader in the prosumer aerial photography market, and three of the line’s four models are on sale today, including the brand new Phantom 3 4K.
At the bottom of the pile, you’ll find the quite-capable Phantom 3 Standard for a (relatively) paltry $500, which should be perfectly adequate for most hobbyists. Considering I paid double that for a technically inferior Phantom 2 Vision+ less than a year ago, I’m a little bit bitter about this deal!
For $300 more, you get your choice of the Phantom 3 Advanced and the brand new Phantom 3 4K. Your choice here basically comes down to range vs. camera quality; the 4K obviously comes with a 4K camera, while the Advanced tops out at 2.7K, but includes DJI’s LightBridge technology, which drastically increases the range and quality of your live first person feed while you fly.
If you’re a little confused, DJI has a comparison chart to help you decide. As I mentioned above, I own a Phantom 2 Vision+, so if you have any questions, I can help you out in the comments.
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