Bach Trumpet (LR180S43) | $3,302 | Amazon
I hate to break it to you, but we here at Kinja Deals don’t just bring you great opportunities to save on cool stuff out of the good of our hearts. We do it for money. When you click a link here, there’s affiliate tracking on the end so we get a little bit of commission from the retailer to keep the roof above our heads. Though when you click a link to, say Amazon, and migrate to different products within the site on your same visit, the tracking is still in place. The wheels of capitalism fuel us all. So yesterday, it turns out someone followed one of our links and then bought a $3,302 trumpet. That’s awesome and they’re awesome. Shocking, but in a fun way. So if any of you out there also want the same trumpet as another one of our readers, you can do that. This time, I made it easier by linking to it directly so you can have at it.