GoPro Hero10 Black | $450 | Amazon
I don’t know how you feel, but I feel like GoPros are both extremely cool and awful danged expensive. Luckily, Amazon’s got it right now for 10% off, which is a full-on $51 savings! With all the cool accessories you can get, you can document everything from a challenging bike ride to a snorkel trip (they’re waterproof, you know!) to a childbirth! There’s probably a better camera for that last one, actually. Still, the Hero10 Black gets you 5.3K resolution at 60 frames per second, 1080p live streaming, and 23-megapixel photos. They’re also well-known for incredible image stabilization that will make your downhill jams look like you performed them on a hovercraft, which lets you lie to your friends and tell them that’s EXACTLY what you did!