2022 All-In-One Piano & Musician Training Bundle | $34 | Amazon
How long have you been saying you’d like to learn piano or guitar? Or if you do know how already, what about music theory? How long have you wished you could look at Gminadd9 on a guitar chord sheet and immediately know how to do that without having to look up a visual chord chart. You want to learn, but live, in-person lessons can be shockingly expensive, and books are a very dry way to learn a vibrant skill like music. Finally, recording artists are only as good as their tools, but music recording software can be as intimidating as learning to read and write music, and Ableton is no exception. For $34, you can start learning actual music theory today, but that’s far from all. In The 2022 All-In-One Piano & Musician Training Bundle at StackSocial, you’ll get 55 hours of training in piano, guitar, and Ableton recording, as well as music theory, specific application of theory for producers, film composers, and songwriters, and you’ll get lessons on the production and promotion of your music.
This package is normally $1,600, which is itself cheaper than the equivalent in-person music lessons you would otherwise perhaps be paying for (unless you just have a lot of good, nice musician friends), but at $34, why not give it a shot? But you’ll want to hurry; this deal only runs through March 3.