Relive Your Childhood With 6 Boxes of Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies

Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies, 36 Count | $12 | Amazon
Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies, 36 Count | $12 | Amazon
Graphic: Ana Luisa Suarez

Little Debbie Cosmic Brownies, 36 Count | $12 | Amazon

Are Cosmic Brownies the best brownies you can eat? Hell yeah. I mean, that is what you used to think when you looked in your lunch box and saw a pack when you were in the 2nd grade. If your parents only bought you snacks from Little Debbie, you know why these were a vital part of grade-school lunch. Relive your childhood and get six boxes (36 total) of Cosmic Brownies for $12. Shout out to all of the kids who first ate all of the candy pieces before the actual brownie.